In preparation for the launch of the largest Volunteer Programme in Africa under the auspices of Egypt’s President el-Sisi
- 2019-12-01 15:50:54
Ministry of Youth and Sports meets with the AU volunteer leaders
Within the framework of Cairo's preparations for launching the largest youth volunteer programme in Africa -10th Cohort-, the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Central Administration of the Parliament and Civic Education & African Youth Bureau) and the African Union Commission Expert Group held an introductory session for the 200 AU-YVC 10th Cohort trainees.
The introductory session began with extending a warm welcome to the AU youth volunteers and introducing them to the AU delegation, including the trainers, organizers and programme coordinators. It aimed at introducing the AU Programme to the young participants, as well as the nature of the activities and the set of rules to be followed throughout the programme. The volunteers , during the session, were also divided into various working groups to be chaired by the African Union facilitators.
The volunteers received custom bags, paper publications and souvenirs. The programme showed a high level of active participation and enthusiasm on the part of participants in light of their preparations for the start of the programme, which reflected the AU precise criteria for the selection of volunteers.
It should be noted that the Egyptian volunteers have been at the forefront of the programme activities, and they willingly participated with devotion in facilitating all possible means to ensure the efficient management of the programme in a way that is worthy of Egypt and its rightful place.
The AU Youth Volunteer Corps (AU-YVC) is the largest youth volunteer programme ever undertaken by the African Union in Africa. This event brings together volunteers from different African countries, noting that Cairo is hosting the event this year at the Olympic Center in Maadi during the period from 1-12 December, 2019. The AU-YVC 10th Cohort includes 200 young men and women from 54 African countries, which makes the programme the first of its kind and the largest to be hosted in the history since the launch of its first edition in 2010